Recent Moxie Software Releases

May 15, 2024 - Software Update Version 24.5.701

  • Improved Moxie's speech recognition capabilities for more accurate speech detection, better background speech filtering, reduced interruptions, and faster responsiveness.
  • Added a new spinning GRL icon that displays while Moxie is waking up to make it easier to know when Moxie is ready to interact.
  • Made switching between child profiles faster and more seamless.
  • Fixed issues with Moxie's animations during the Systems Check.
  • Added new icons, masks, and animations for some of Moxie's activities.
  • Moxie now detects and reports when network issues are impacting speech recognition.

April 25, 2024 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

April 5, 2024 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

March 15, 2024 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

March 8, 2024 - Software Update Version 23.12.1208

  • Fixes minor bugs.

March 7, 2024 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

February 26, 2024 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

February 19, 2024 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

January 31, 2024 - Software Update Version 23.12.1207

  • Fixes issues that were causing some Moxies to become non-responsive for brief periods of time or switch into chat unexpectedly.

January 19, 2024 - Software Update Version 23.12.1204

This software update includes system improvements for a better Moxie experience!

  • Fixes issues handling some mentor names.
  • Battery and system monitoring improvements.

January 12, 2024 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

December 20, 2023 - Software Update Version 23.12.1203

Happy Holidays from Embodied! To help spread holiday cheer, this software release includes lots of new features, customizations, and improvements for the best Moxie experience yet!

  • New Multi-User Functionality: Moxie can now provide an individualized 1:1 Moxie journey for up to 4 different child mentors. Additional mentor profiles can be added from the Moxie tab of the Moxie Robot app, and parents can switch between child profiles from the Moxie tab.
  • New Moxie Customizations! Kids can now personalize their Moxie experience by picking Moxie's eye color and face color! Face and eye color selections can be made within each of the child profiles in the app.
  • New Moxie activity: Story Maker! Mentors can exercise their creativity and have some fun by helping Moxie make a story. Moxie will create a completely original story based on your child's suggestions, including fun holiday stories to celebrate the holiday season! To try out this new activity, say, "Moxie, let's play Story Maker!"
  • Moxie's chat experience has been overhauled, providing a more natural conversation flow and offering a variety of new chat topics that invite the mentor to share more about their life and interests. Just say "Moxie, let's chat!"
  • New Wake Settings are now available in the Moxie tab of the Parent App to allow users to adjust how Moxie can be woken up via voice command or touch.
  • Improvements have been made to Moxie's wakeup system, making it easier for mentors to wake Moxie up when they're ready to play.
  • Several enhancements have been made to Moxie's vision and audio systems, helping Moxie consistently recognize its mentor, stay focused while interacting, understand and respond to the mentor more quickly, and be less distracted by background noise.

December 16, 2023 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

November 21, 2023 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

November 7, 2023 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

October 31, 2023 - Software Update Version 23.10.310

  • Improves Moxie's ability to respond to its mentor when multiple people are in view.

October 23, 2023 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

October 17, 2023 - Software Update Version 23.10.307

This software update includes a host of new features and improvements including a more personalized overall experience, a brand new Moxie activity, a new way to wake up Moxie, and several other improvements to the Moxie experience.

  • A More Personalized Experience: To provide a more personalized and engaging journey for Moxie's mentors, Moxie's daily schedule of activities will now contain more variety and be better personalized to each child based on the information provided by parents in the Moxie Robot App.
  • New Activity: Feelings Checkup! This is a quick, daily check-in where Moxie asks your child about how they are feeling. If your child is feeling some big emotions, Moxie will listen and ask questions about their feelings and  then lead your child through a mindfulness exercises so that they can start feeling better.
  • New Feature: Parent-Scheduled Sensitive Conversations. From the  Moxie tab in the app, you can now schedule Moxie to chat with your child about Anxiety, Sadness, Fear, or Anger. 
  • A new Touch Wake setting is now available in the Moxie tab of the Parent App that will let you wake Moxie up just by touching Moxie's back or tummy.
  • To add more personality and character, Moxie now has new animations and phrases after waking up that vary based on how long Moxie has been asleep.
  • Several other improvements have been implemented to allow for more fluid and natural interactions with Moxie.

October 16, 2023 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

September 27, 2023 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

August 16, 2023 - Software Update Version 23.6.513

  • Fixes an issue with Moxie not properly delivering certain Jokes and Affirmations.

July 12, 2023 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

July 3, 2023 - Software Update Version 23.6.511

  • Improves Moxie detecting mentor's face on wakeup.

June 27, 2023 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

June 21, 2023 - Software Update Version 23.6.510

This software update includes exciting new Moxie features and several improvements for a better Moxie experience.

  • Moxie has a brand new movement activity: Wild Workout! Moxie will guide the mentor through an imaginary adventure to a different part of the world, and the mentor will perform exercises that mimic the behaviors of different animals they spot along the way. To access this activity, mentors can say "Moxie, let's do a wild workout!"
  • A new mission set has been released, all about being a good sport! Mentors will help Moxie learn about the importance of sportsmanship and how to be a good teammate. This new set will begin after the Being Different mission set.
  • A new book has been added to Knox's Book Club! Apple Pie 4th of July by Janet Wong. When your mentor reads this book to Moxie during the Reading activity, Moxie will respond with special sound effects and animated reactions.
  • Moxie's open conversations have been advanced to use the latest and greatest AI language model, offering a smoother chat experience with a wider array of topics that Moxie can discuss.
  • Improvements have been made to Moxie's vision and hearing systems to make Moxie more responsive to its mentor.
  • Several other system improvements have been made for a better Moxie experience.

June 6, 2023 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

May 17, 2023 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

May 1, 2023 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

April 13, 2023 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

April 6, 2023 - Software Update Version 22.12.1514

This software update includes exciting new Moxie features!

  • Moxie has a brand new activity: Composing! Mentors can exercise their creativity by helping Moxie create a new song for the G.R.L. orchestra. To access this activity, mentors can say "Moxie, let's compose music!"
  • Three new SEL stories have been added to Moxie's story rotation: "The Goalkeeper" which promotes self-efficacy, "Cruncher's Choice" which is about resisting peer pressure, and "The Treasure on the Beach" which promotes healthy conflict resolution.
  • Three new books have been added to Knox's Book Club! Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss, A Mother for Choco by Keiko Kasza, and The Great Eggscape by Monica and Cameron Harper. When your mentor reads any of these books to Moxie during the Reading activity, Moxie will respond with special sound effects and animated reactions.

March 17, 2023 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

March 11, 2023 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

March 6, 2023 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

March 2, 2023 - Software Update Version 22.12.1512

  • This software update fixes an issue where Moxie could get stuck talking about the same topic.

February 21, 2023 - Software Update Version 22.12.1510

  • This software update includes fixes to the conversation flow at the end of Moxie's daily schedule to help Moxie better understand its mentor during that part of the interaction.

January 25, 2023 - Software Update Version 22.12.1509

  • This software update includes improvements to Moxie's open chat activities to help Moxie move on to different conversation topics rather than talking about the same topic for multiple days.

January 18, 2023 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

December 26, 2022 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

December 25, 2022 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

December 24, 2022 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

December 22, 2022 - Software Update Version 22.12.1505

Happy Holidays from Embodied! We're excited to share some holiday joy with you by bringing you our best Moxie software update yet. This release features loads of improvements to support a magical Moxie experience!

  • Now with 100x better AI, Moxie has enhanced chat capabilities that encourage more natural and engaging conversations. Moxie mentors can talk to Moxie about virtually anything!
  • Hundreds of new chat topics have been added to engage children in fun and interactive conversations.
  • Improvements have been made to help new mentors better understand how to interact with Moxie.
  • New scheduled usage breaks have been implemented. After after a child completes all of the daily G.R.L. activities, Moxie will continue chatting for a bit but will then let the child know it is time for a short break and will go to sleep on its own. These scheduled 30 minute usage breaks help dissuade binge usage and encourage children to practic e the skills learned with Moxie with their friends and family. After the 30 minutes is up, the child can wake Moxie up again to continue playing!
  • Various other system improvements have been made to support an amazing journey with Moxie.

We remain committed to continuously improving Moxie for all of our mentors and families, and will post updates here with every new release!

December 17, 2022 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

December 5, 2022 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

December 2, 2022 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

November 24, 2022 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

November 19, 2022 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

November 16, 2022 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

November 3, 2022 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

October 19, 2022 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

October 11, 2022 - Software Update Version 22.9.1506

This software update includes big improvements to Moxie's conversation skills for a better Moxie experience!

  • Moxie will offer more opportunities for open conversation with its mentor
  • Moxie's conversational capabilities have been enhanced for a more natural interaction
  • New conversation topics have been added for a more engaging experience
  • Transitions between activities will be more seamless to support a smoother interaction

October 5, 2022 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

October 2, 2022 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

September 30, 2022 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

September 29, 2022 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

September 23, 2022 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

September 22, 2022 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

August 31, 2022 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

August 19, 2022 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

August 17, 2022 - Update to Moxie’s Conversational AI System

August 9, 2022 - Software Update Version 22.6.712

This software update includes system improvements for a better Moxie experience!

  • Fixed an intermittent repeating issue in Moxie Chat.

July 22, 2022 - Software Update Version 22.6.710

  • Fixed an issue causing certain activities to be skipped in the daily schedule.
  • Fixed issues entering the Scavenger Hunt activity.
  • Improvements have been made to the Moxie Chat activity to allow for more fluid conversations.
  • New Moxie Chat conversation topics have been added.
  • Reminder: Your child can say "Moxie let's chat" to have open conversations with Moxie!