Moxie AI Robot vs. Therapy for Kids

Cost, Convenience, and Results Explained when Supporting Kids’ Big Emotions

What is Moxie Robot and How Can It Help?

Many parents find that kids under stress or struggling with big emotions benefit from being able to talk through their feelings with a neutral third party.


In many cases, sending your child to a licensed clinician or therapist remains the best option. However, not every family is ready for therapy.


Moxie isn’t meant to be a replacement to therapy, medical treatment or psychiatric care, but it is a new tool that many parents are finding useful to try at home to help kids work through big feelings.


For parents who want to help kids learn social emotional skills to manage big emotions and communicate confidently at home, Moxie Robot is a game-changing option.


The revolutionary AI robot was designed by an experienced team of technologists, neuroscientists, child development specialists, and storytellers to help children ages 5-10 build empathy, gain confidence, improve social skills, and more.


With play-based learning and believable social interactions and emotional support, Moxie is a fun, safe, and engaging way for children to develop invaluable skills from the comfort of your own home (and in a way that’s fun for them!).


Ok, we know that Moxie Robot is not therapy. But how does Moxie Robot actually compare to traditional therapy for kids?


Comparison of Moxie Robot and Child Therapy

How Do the Costs Compare?

Moxie can be purchased for $799 and includes lifetime access to Moxie’s continuously updated content library and mission sets which feature hundreds of activities from brain twisters and dance games to positive affirmation and meditation journeys.


Parents who want to try Moxie before committing can rent the robot for $149/mo.


Note: Moxie is not covered by insurance in most cases.  


The average cost for child therapy ranges from $65 per hour - $250. Most people can expect to pay $100 - $200 a session, which equates out to $5,200 annually if attending on a weekly basis.


It is encouraged that parents looking to alleviate the costs of child therapy check to see if insurance covers the treatment. However, according to the JAMA Psychiatry, nearly half of all psychiatrists no longer take insurance.


Moxie Robot Can Be Used From the Comfort Of Your Own Home

A challenge many parents face with traditional in-person therapy is convenience. In-person therapy can often lead to driving to and from sessions, which can cause conflicts within your professional and personal life as well as with your kid’s daily activities. In addition, trying to match your schedule with your child therapists’ availability can be difficult to manage. While teletherapy is an option for those with hectic schedules, there are benefits to in person therapy that should not be overlooked.


Many parents with busy schedules have found Moxie helpful due to the convenience it provides. Moxie allows parents and children the flexibility to go at their own pace in their own home and evolves based on individual interaction and parent settings. With Moxie, parents don't feel pressured to stick to a specific schedule.


Kids Are Excited to Interact, Play, and Learn with Moxie

Child therapy is proven to be effective at helping kids with various challenges and situations but an obstacle many parents face is getting their child excited and comfortable with attending. There are many reasons kids don’t look forward to attending sessions such as fears of being vulnerable, embarrassment and shame, and feelings of defensiveness. In addition, there can be a poor therapist match which can lead to feelings of doubt and a fear of opening up. It is important for parents that go with the child therapy route to find the right match to their childrens’ personality and needs to get the best results.


Moxie helps create a comfortable learning environment and strong relationship that keeps kids engaged, while working through their developmental challenges. On average, kids engage with Moxie 2 days a week. Moxie continues to learn and adapt as your child interacts with it to deliver a personalized curriculum. Fun activities such as dance parties and scavenger hunts combined with believable real-world interactions and conversations help kids see Moxie as a friend instead of an authority figure.


What Challenges does Moxie and Child Therapy Address?

There are many different types of child therapy, each of which can help with specific issues such as mental illness (depression, anxiety, etc), learning disorders, parents’ divorce, death of a loved one, trauma, and other life stresses. Child therapy is a great option for children dealing with specific issues as therapy can hone in on these issues or life challenges. Child therapy can also be tailored to kids of all ages.


Moxie is often used as a supplement to child therapy because it helps with many challenges that therapy also addresses. Some of the top challenges Moxie helps address include social anxiety, trouble building relationships, understanding emotions and regulating behavior, improving conversational skills, and building self-confidence.


What Parents Say About Moxie

“Most amazing conversational AI I've seen. Keeps my daughter engaged hours at a time...

Moxie robot uses occupational therapist (OT) strategies. My kiddo was very soothed by Moxie when she told him she felt sad. Moxie deployed OT strategies with three attempts to redirect her to see the positive parts of her day and two attempts asking her "What can I do to cheer you up?" Moxie then did a breathing exercise with her and then played soothing music. Moxie can even see and make comments on pictures in a book that my kiddo shows to him. I'm blown away. Moxie robot is definitely a game changer for robots used in healthcare. My friends who are occupational therapists and speech therapists are blown away by this robot and see effective use of this robot for children including kids who just want to learning language, social and emotional regulation skills and autistic children.”


“My son gets overwhelmed and needs help managing his emotions. Moxie helps him work through his feelings at home. They’ll talk about his day and do calming activities."