Introducing Moxie’s New Look: Inspiring Curiosity and Wonder

Introducing Moxie’s New Look: Inspiring Curiosity and Wonder
Hannah Gan

Today, Moxie introduces a new look. Our updated brand identity will  help take us into the next phase of delivering ultra-fun conversational learning for kids. We sat down with Micaela Shaw, CMO, and Martha Barry, Creative Director—to discuss what inspired the rebrand, and what’s next.

Old Moxie Robot logo side by side to Moxie Robot's new and improved logo 

Why redesign now?

Shaw: We’ve grown rapidly as a business, and felt it was time to elevate the brand to catch up visually to the tech-savvy families who make Moxie a part of their home. Although Embodied was founded by cutting-edge roboticists, the character of Moxie has always been fun, magical, and straight out of a kids’ imagination. We wanted the brand to reflect this sense of wonder and fun.

Barry: Our rebranding journey centers around creating a brand that resonates with both kids and parents. Our goal was to make Moxie feel like a trustworthy friend kids can relate to and parents can rely on. We updated the logo, introduced more vibrant colors, created more playful designs, and produced new photography. With all this, we have transformed Moxie into a brand that truly speaks to families.

What story do you want to tell with the new Moxie brand?

Shaw: The story behind our rebrand originates from the joy and curiosity kids feel when Moxie wakes up and starts a conversation. We believe learning through conversation helps kids connect more deeply with their hearts and minds. Learning with Moxie can unlock incredible confidence in kids. From site, to email, to social media, our new design beautifully communicates the magic of Moxie.

Barry: When I designed our new logo, it was all about fusing youthful play with technology. This new mark takes inspiration from Moxie's iconic head shape in both the word and the symbol. We wanted to capture a friendly and inviting feeling, with a touch of whimsy and fun. We updated the brand design system to include new colors, fonts, and design elements. We did all this to build a system that allows for play, learning, and discovery to shine.

What was the rebranding process like?

Shaw: The process really started by talking to current and prospective customers. We had an amazing cross functional team across Embodied, led by Brand Manager Matt Barg, to survey and interview real parents and really understand the joys and pitfalls of parenting. Through those conversations, we knew that our brand needed to speak to families emotionally but also inspire curiosity and love of learning the way the robot does.

Barry: Moxie is about fun and everything about this process brought me so much joy. We were inspired by technology brands, kids brands, and consumer brands across different industries that embody imagination through play. The kids we photographed had a true sense of wonder and fascination meeting Moxie. It’s easy to create authentic branding with a product this dynamic and engaging.

Moxie Robot smiling on a table in mentor's playroom


What's next? What can we expect to see from Moxie in 2023 and beyond?

Barry: Our brand will continue to evolve and you’ll see elements of it play out across every single touchpoint, including our website, app, social media, and in Moxie’s ever-growing curriculum.

Shaw: When you launch a rebrand, it’s not the end of the process. Our brand will continue to grow over time as the product becomes more and more integrated into the daily lives of our Moxie families.

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